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Alicia's Desk: Interview with Dean Sturtevant

Hey All,

Tonight we are sitting down with Dean Sturtevant of Green Unicorn Art to chat about his upcoming Art show at #desmoinesnewageshop , Under the Sea Art Exhibition!

The Show dates are :

Friday, Aug. 2nd 4:30pm to 7pm

Saturday, Aug. 3rd 11am to 7pm

Its going to feature a whole gaggle of local artists , including myself and Wubby!

We will also chat about what brought him to the idea of holding art show's & how he got started in the art world himself

, So Tune in, Deano is always so much fun to chat with.

The episode will be livestreamed on FB and on Youtube, but you will find it on Alicia's Desk on Spotify!

Episode link here:

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